Be a part of Life’s Big Moments

How you can support Life’s Big Moments

Life is filled with Big Moments that have lasting impact, create unforgettable memories and help make each individual unique. Sometimes, special “Little Moments” can become Big Moments or milestones of major significance. The final months of life especially can be filled with Big Moments that create joy, laughter, comfort and treasured memories.

Life’s Big Moments is a campaign that celebrates and empowers these defining hallmarks in time, sponsored by NorthStar Care Community – a nationwide organization of mission-driven end-of-life programs and services, outlined in the chart below. All funds raised through the Life’s Big Moments campaign benefit the members of NorthStar Care Community.

Expert end-of-life care typically can add days to life and add life to days. Unfortunately, many families across the nation don’t know about services available, often at little or no cost to them. By becoming a donor and supporter of Life’s Big Moments, you can help educate patients and families about access to vital end-of-life care – and be the spark for making more of Life’s Big Moments possible.

Gallery of framed photos highlighting Life's Big Moments
NorthStar Care Community logo
NorthStar Care Community Members and Programs

Join our Beads of Courage program

Participate as an ambassador

NorthStar Care Community joined forces with Beads of Courage and the Carry a Bead program to offer a simple way for individuals, groups and teams to support children, teens and adults coping with serious illness. It’s a simple act of caring and compassion that anyone can do.

As an ambassador, a NorthStar Care Community bead will be shared with you to carry during a special time in your life. Your bead and written intention will then be given to children and teens coping with serious illness, and their families. They will add your bead to their Beads of Courage strand as an ever-present reminder that someone is thinking about them, fighting alongside them, and honoring their amazing courage.

Beads of Courage logo
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